How delivery dispatch apps boost the delivery business operations

blog published date April 20, 2023
How delivery dispatch apps boost the delivery business operations

Since customers are the chief source of income for the delivery business they expect instant gratification in the form of transparency. For this, Delivery Scheduling Software is an absolute necessity for the delivery business.

How do Delivery Businesses use Delivery Software in Managing Operations?

In managing the delivery process – it is used for listing out unassigned work, assigning works, and keeping a record of all completed deliveries. The other work functions are adding a new delivery job, changing the current status of scheduled deliveries, and updating tasks for the various workers involved in the delivery operations. All assigning and scheduling can be done by a single person.

Advanced Dashboard – at the core of the delivery scheduling software is the user-friendly dashboard. It is designed to give a bird’s eye view of all operations on a real-time basis. The operator can assign work to individuals, schedule pickup and delivery, manage documents, and keep track of work progress. It can also be used for rescheduling and redirecting deliveries to customers. The dashboard also keeps track of all changes that customers request.

Driver Management and Vehicle Allotment. There are usually multiple vehicles of various types, drivers with specific geographical knowledge and those with special skills. Based on the nature of the goods to be handled, a delivery manager can match delivery tasks to drivers. Another use for delivery software is keeping track of drivers’ history and storing their profiles, license information, photos, and their fitness details.

Customer management is another great use for Delivery Tracking Software. Tracking software gives customers direct access to the actual movement history of the goods they have dispatched or are about to receive. In multiple-transhipment scenarios, the dispatchers as well as the recipient will get a true picture of the entire operation and avoid making frequent calls to the delivery company offices. This is an advantage for all three people involved – the sender, the transporter, and finally the customer.

Custom reports and analytics is another great use for scheduling and delivery tracking software. Since information is stored systematically, business managers will be able to retrieve information instantly for preparing reports and planning future expansion projects. It can be used for forecasting future vehicle acquisition programs, better utilization of drivers, and optimizing work schedules.

One of the top features of delivery software is that it is synced with Google Maps making it easily accessible to customers and others involved in the delivery process. From start to delivery, it is possible to track the movement seamlessly.

Outfleet scheduling and tracking software is a multi-platform compatible solution, and users can use it on mobile phones, personal computers, and laptops. It is easy to install with a zero-learning curve. All features are intuitive.


Author : Nandhakumar

Nandhakumar is a seasoned expert in automated delivery software and a prolific author renowned for his insightful eBooks on software automation and delivery management solutions. With a wealth of knowledge, he shares valuable insights to propel businesses forward.

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